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TOUT - Share Real-Time Video Messages.

Posted by Unknown Apr 13, 2011
TOUT-Share-Real-Time-Video-Messages      Tout, a real-time social video update service which let you share 15-seconds video clips with your friend and followers. Its like video-twitter-short video updates to share with your followers.

      It allows you to share 15-seconds long clips so its about real-time conversation in video rather than text. Its an combination of real-time blog and rich clarity videos. The site has been testing with over 2,000 users, and went live on Tuesday.

      Tout's uses are flexible, and to an extent, unknown. In many ways, it plugs into the pre-existing model of social interaction online by allowing people an outlet to give updates on their life. But the video element may prove to have unexpected results.

      Downing also envisions that as tablets and devices like the Apple TV continue to catch on, that Touters could gather followings commensurate to something like television channels--real-time, highly personal reality TV for a future generation.

      But, its an simple way to keep updated about your followers and friends with brief video messages.

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TOUT - Share Real-Time Video Messages.

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